I'm reading a really good book by Jonathan Safran Foer called Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. If you haven't read it yet you should...very sad though.
Ever since I started reading it I can't get the Dresden Firebombings out of my mind. Not the best thing to be dreaming about or imaging living through, but there it is and I can't seem to stop. I googled images of the bombing, I don't really know why and it surely didn't calm my constant brooding.
Then I started to think that maybe I could manipulate some of the photographs in my free photo software called Gimp, (my favourite, cause I'm cheap and it was free and it does pretty much all the same things that Photoshop does...ONLY IT'S FREE!!). Sooo, ya I thought maybe I could find a corner of the image when distorted enough would look like a flower or a naked woman or a anything better then a pile of dead bodies or rubble from a burned out city.
What I discovered is that there is NO way to make these images beautiful! No way to make them not as creepy and sad and disturbing as they are. I tried, I really did, but the pile of bodies turned into fire and the ruined buildings looked even more frightening and the scorched bodies resembled the things in my nightmares...so I went with that, obviously.
This is what I came up with using my son's silk screen, oil pastels, a printer and some transparency paper.
uhmmm...so ya
Here's a picture of a pretty kitty that I found in the alley while I was taking pictures today...
Now we all feel better, right?
I'm sorry
Until next week...