Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 8: Uhmm, ya...

This week I had a little fun...I don't really know what to say other than that.  I stole a ton of imagery from other cultures, but not for any reason other than I think it looks cool/pretty.  Wasn't sure how I felt about it until I was about 5 minutes from finishing it.  Now I can honestly say I like it!  I like the colours, I like the little gray squirrel and his acorn.  I like that it is EXACTLY what I set out for it to be; fun, colourful, light hearted and if I'm being honest a little easy.

 I'm still up for any suggestion anyone has so email me!!

Until Wednesday...
 p.s. Sorry I missed this past Wednesday.  No excuses, but I really do have a good one...I forgot ;)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 7: the Curmugeon before he was a Curmugeon

This week almost didn't get finished.  I was still working on it about 20 minutes ago, when finally I put my foot down and said it has to be done...and so shall it be.  

This is a drawing of a photograph taken of my grandpa Jack who these days doesn't remember much.  He is suffering from dementia and lives in a home that I must say I'm too afraid to visit.  I have been there maybe 3 or 4 times.  The last time Dave and I woke him from a nap to bring him some tea and butter tarts, but he looked dead laying there on a sofa and it freaked me out, so I haven't been back since.  I teared up a couple of times while doing this drawing.  I miss him.  I need an invite to his house in Florida or giant hug with the back pats that would almost paralyze a weaker girl... If I showed him this drawing I wonder what he would say?  "Who's that handsome devil", maybe...

Among one of many excuses I have for being so late finishing this week is that I took tumble while taking our dog for a walk.  Unfortunately he didn' get much exercise that night because as soon as I stepped off the stairs I stepped on to a giant sheet of ice and landed full weight on my hip.  I went to the Doctor the very next day and he said to stay off work for a week.  Now I am wondering how long I'll be in pain for and how much this should cost my slum lord...any ideas?

Until Wednesday...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ana Teresa Fernan

Left to Swoon (Performance documentation)

Oil on canvas


 This woman is amazingly talented.  I wish I could do the things she does!  Truely gifted.  Hope you enjoy...

Broken glass shards, resin, hotglue
4'x 2'x3'

Until Sunday...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week Six: the blahs

I want to sit outside! 
I want the sun!
I need GREEN!

I never thought I was someone who got cabin fever or the winter blahs, but here I am, miserable and begging the sweet baby jesus or mother nature or the universe or whoever is listening and in control to pretty please raise the heat just a plus 5 or 10 even.  Thank you!

This week I have 3 more vintage fabric pieces.  A friend came close to guessing what I plan to do with these when I'm finished, but she knows me too well so her guess doesn't count...

A while ago my little guy, Julian and I were trying to crack nuts open with just our fingers.  We were half way through the bowl with no success, (go figure), when Julian got this one open.  It was too beautiful not to photograph so here it is. 

I was thinking that every Wednesday I will post a website/blog/facebook page of an artist that I think is freaking awesome!  There can never be enough beauty in the world right?  And why not share it?  Yeah...that's what I'll do!

Until Wednesday...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week Five: Being Cheap Sucks!

I have a problem, and that problem is convincing myself that cheaper is ALWAYS better.  I look at the dollar amount and always buy the lowest priced...Windex, toothpaste, jeans and my painting supplies.  Most of the time I save our family a few dollars of which I promptly spend at Starbucks on a $5 coffee, (I know, I know...).  

The point that I'm trying to make is that there is no way  for me to be a cheap ass, penny pincher when I shop for paints.  It always, and I mean ALWAYS bites me in the behind!  Dave's doing a little song and dance right now, "I was right! I was right!"  He is constantly telling me to treat myself and not to be so stingy.  Well Dave you are wise beyond your years and all knowing.  You are right!  

I will hence forth spend more money on my paints in the interest of not having to go back to the art supply store, waisting time and gas/bus tickets.  I will buy the best that I can afford and not cheap out!  This I do solemnly swear!  

What I really need is one of those guys who used to commission artists and pay their rent, and for their supplies and all that good stuff...Catherine of Bologna

Anyway, Week Five...

More vintage fabric prints...I'm having a blast with all the colours.  These are going to be GRrreat when it's all said and done!

Until next week...